【预售】Initiatives by Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations
预订 Transfer Pricing Issues Surrounding Outokumpu AB & Its Subsidiaries: 9783659525919
【预售 按需印刷】The Corporate Governance of Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations
预售 按需印刷 The Relative Performance of Joint Ventures and Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries and the Reasons why they ex
预售 按需印刷 The impact of language barriers on knowledge exchange between headquarter and subsidiaries
【预售 按需印刷】New management. How are subsidiaries integrated?
【4周达】Control and Coordination of Subsidiaries in Japanese Corporate Groups [9789814675703]
预售 按需印刷 External Embeddedness of Subsidiaries
【预售】Coordination of Service Offshoring Subsidiaries in
【预售】Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiaries
【预售】Relationships Between Foreign Subsidiaries:
【预售】The Liability of the Holding Company for the Debts of its Insolvent Subsidiaries
【预售】Hybridization of MNE Subsidiaries: T...
【预售】Headquarters and Subsidiaries in Multinational
海外直订Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiaries 外国子公司绩效评估
海外直订Coordination of Service Offshoring Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations 跨国公司服务离岸子公司的协调
海外直订Relationships Between Foreign Subsidiaries: Competition and Cooperation in Multi 国外子公司之间的关系:跨国
海外直订Management Control in Central and Eastern European Subsidiaries 中欧和东欧子公司的管理控制
海外直订Headquarters and Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations: Strategies, Tasks a 跨国公司总部和子公司:战略
海外直订The Strategic Development of Multinationals: Subsidiaries and Innovation 跨国公司的战略发展:子公司与创新
海外直订The Strategic Development of Multinationals: Subsidiaries and Innovation 跨国公司的战略发展:子公司与创新
海外直订Hybridization of MNE Subsidiaries: The Automotive Sector in India 跨国公司子公司的混合:印度的汽车行业
海外直订Japanese Global Management: Theory and Practice at Overseas Subsidiaries 日本全球管理:海外子公司的理论与实
海外直订Audit of Group subsidiaries Audit of Group subsidiaries
海外直订The Liability of the Holding Company for the Debts of Its Insolvent Subsidiaries 控股公司对其资不抵债子公司
海外直订Multinationals, Subsidiaries and National Business Systems: The Nickel Industry 跨国公司、子公司和国家商业体系
海外直订Cost Accounting in Anglophone Subsidiaries; Empirical Evidence from Germany 英语子公司的成本核算;来自德国
海外直订Financial Reporting under consolidation of Subsidiaries, Associates and.... 合并子公司、联营公司和……的财
海外直订The Relative Performance of Joint Ventures and Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries and the 合资企业与全资子公司的相对
海外直订The Relative Performance of Joint Ventures and Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries and the 合资企业和全资子公司的相对
海外直订The Corporate Governance of Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations 跨国公司子公司的公司治理
【4周达】Employee Relations in Foreign-Owned Subsidiaries : German Multinational Companies in the UK [9780230006966]
【4周达】Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiaries [9783834911490]
【4周达】Innovation and the Multinational Firm: Perspectives on Foreign Subsidiaries and Host Locations [9781137555434]
【4周达】The Liability of the Holding Company for the Debts of Its Insolvent Subsidiaries [9781138276789]
【4周达】Coordination of Service Offshoring Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations [9783834919281]
预订 The Role of Subsidiaries in Strategic Technology Alliances [9783844396652]
【4周达】Relationships between Foreign Subsidiaries : Competition and Cooperation in Multinational Pl... [9783834931917]
预订 Compensation of Losses in Foreign Subsidiaries within the EU [9783844331349]
预订 Factors to Increase Equity Capital Investment in Foreign Subsidiaries [9786202212069]
预订 The Knowledge Transfer to Subsidiaries in Overseas [9783846504642]
【4周达】The Liability of the Holding Company for the Debts of Its Insolvent Subsidiaries [9781855218444]
预订 Life Insurance Subsidiaries of Commercial Banks and Other Life Insurance Companies [9786200261786]
【4周达】Japanese Global Management: Theory and Practice at Overseas Subsidiaries [9780230280151]
预订 Transfer Pricing Issues Surrounding Outokumpu AB & Its Subsidiaries [9783659525919]
【4周达】The Strategic Development of Multinationals : Subsidiaries and Innovation [9781349362189]
【4周达】Headquarters and Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations : Strategies, Tasks and Coordina... [9781349518463]
【4周达】Multinationals, Subsidiaries and National Business Systems: The Nickel Industry and Falconbr... [9781138661813]
【4周达】Management Control in Central and Eastern European Subsidiaries [9780230201408]
【4周达】Management Control in Central and Eastern European Subsidiaries [9781349299546]
【4周达】Multinationals, Subsidiaries and National Business Systems: The Nickel Industry and Falconbr... [9781848932685]
【4周达】Headquarters and Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations: Strategies, Tasks, and Coordina... [9781403936240]
【4周达】Hybridization of MNE Subsidiaries : The Automotive Sector in India [9781349302420]
【4周达】External Embeddedness of Subsidiaries [9783844100372]
预订 The Relative Performance of Joint Ventures and Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries and the Reasons why the... [9783869433912]
【4周达】Japanese Global Management : Theory and Practice at Overseas Subsidiaries [9781349327317]
【4周达】Initiatives by Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations : An Empirical Study on the Influe... [9783658209490]
【4周达】Employee Relations in Foreign-Owned Subsidiaries : German Multinational Companies in the UK [9781349282845]
【4周达】The Strategic Development of Multinationals: Subsidiaries and Innovation [9780230551336]
【4周达】Hybridization of MNE Subsidiaries: The Automotive Sector in India [9780230206694]
【4周达】Japanese Subsidiaries in the New Global Economy [9781840647358]
【4周达】Cost Accounting in Anglophone Subsidiaries : Empirical Evidence from Germany [9783631655375]
按需印刷The Corporate Governance of Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations[9783639000610]
【r】 国际财务报告准则实务指引:中英文对照:Chapter 26:Disposal of subsidiaries, businesses and non-current assets