【预订】Clean Room Design: Minimizing Contamination Through Proper Design
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[预订]Living with Breast Cancer - The Step-by-Step Guide to Minimizing Side Effects and Maximizing Quality of Life
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海外直订Multidimensional Minimizing Splines: Theory and Applications 多维极小样条:理论与应用
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海外直订Geophysical Hazards: Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Awareness 地球物理危害:最小化风险,最大化意识
【预售】Minimizing Employee Exposure to Toxic Chemical
预订 Theories and Methods for Minimizing Cadmium Pollution in Crops
【预售】Metal Bearing Waste Streams: Minimizing, Recycling
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海外直订Cost-Minimizing Choice Behavior in Transportation Planning: A Theoretical Framew 交通规划中的成本最小化选择
海外直订Minimizing and Exploiting Leakage in VLSI Design 超大规模集成电路(VLSI)设计中的泄漏最小化与开发
海外直订Passing the Baton: Minimizing Disconnects during Peace Operations 传递接力棒:减少和平行动中的脱节
海外直订Minimizing the Risks of Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages 减少制造来源和材料短缺的风
海外直订Minimizing Energy Consumption, Energy Poverty and Global and Local Climate Chang 最大限度地减少能源消耗,能源贫
海外直订Developing Doctrine for the Future Joint Force: Creating Synergy and Minimizing 为未来的联合部队制定条令:
预订 Theorems on Regularity and Singularity of Energy Minimizing Maps
海外直订Action-Minimizing Methods in Hamiltonian Dynamics (Mn-50): An Introduction to Au 哈密顿动力学中的动作最小化方法
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海外直订Minimizing Losses in a Space Laser Power Beaming System 空间激光功率束系统中的损耗极小化
海外直订Minimizing Secular J2 Perturbation Effects on Satellite Formations 最小化长期J2扰动对卫星编队的影响
【预售】Avoiding Or Minimizing Construction Litigation
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预订 Minimizing Harm: A New Crime Policy For Modern America: 9780367316877
【预售】Kidnapping and Abduction: Minimizing the Threa...
【预售】Minimizing the Use of Chemicals to Control Scaling in Sea Water Reverse Osmosis: Improved Prediction of th...
海外直订医药图书Living with Breast Cancer: The Step-By-Step Guide to Minimizing Side Effects and 与乳腺癌生活:尽量
海外直订Minimizing Dynamic and Higher Order Energy Functions Using Graph Cuts 利用图割最小化动态高阶能量函数
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【预订】Ethical Issues In Forensic Psychiatry - Minimizing Harm
预订 On the Boundary Behavior of Mass-Minimizing Integral Currents
海外直订Minimizing and Exploiting Leakage in VLSI Design 在VLSI设计中最小化和利用泄漏
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预订 Aging - Slow Down Getting Old With These 8 Actionable Tips: Stay Younger Looking By Minimizing the Effects of Growi
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