预订 Financing Trade and International Supply Chains: Commerce Across Borders, Finance Across Frontiers 贸易融资与国际供
Lectures in International Finance: Crisis, Coordination, Currency Unions, and Debt [9789812569127]
预订 International Business and Finance in Japanese Corporations (No. 2): Recent Harvard-Listed Case ... [9789811277252]
预订 Foreign Exchange International Finance Risk Management, 5th Edition: 9781619030299
海外直订International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Theory, History, and Poli 国际金融与开放经济宏观经济
预订 Financial Markets and Corporate Finance: 5th International Conference on FMCF (ICFMCF2023), IIT Delhi, India, July
International Finance and Open-Econo...
预订 Transformational Trends in Finance, Banking, and Economics: 8th International Conference on Banking and Finance Per
预订 Foreign Exchange Issues, Capital Markets and International Banking in the 1990s (RLE Banking & Finance): 9780415751
海外直订International Competitiveness, Investment and Finance: A Case Study of India 国际竞争力、投资与金融:以印度
预订 Finance, Economics, and Industry for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Confe
预订 Equity Home Bias in International Finance: A Place-Attachment Perspective 国际金融中的股权归属偏向:一个地方依恋视
预订 Documents in International Economic Law: Trade, Investment, and Finance 国际经济法档案:贸易,投资,与金融: 9780199
海外直订Technological Innovation in Retail Finance: International Historical Perspective 零售金融中的技术创新:国际
海外直订Plan of International Business Development for the Corporate Finance Collaborati 公司融资协作模式的变革与实
海外直订Governing Global Finance: The Evolution and Reform of the International Financia 治理全球金融:国际金融结构的演
[预订]International Institutions in Trade and Finance 9781032129570
预订 Finance, Economics, and Industry for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Confe
海外直订Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry: 6th International 金融行业的企业应用和服务:
海外直订International Finance and the Developing Economies 《国际金融与发展中经济体》
海外直订International Trade and Finance: A North American Perspective 《国际贸易与金融:北美视角
【4周达】Finance Masters: A Brief History of International Financial Centers in the Last Millennium [9789813108820]
海外直订International Financial Crisis, The: Have the Rules of Finance Changed? 国际金融危机:金融规则改变了吗?
海外直订Governing Global Finance: The Evolution and Reform of the International Financia 治理全球金融:国际金融结构
【4周达】International Financial Crisis, The: Have the Rules of Finance Changed? [9789814322089]
预订 Recent Advancements in Computational Finance and Business Analytics: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conferenc
[预订]Finance, Economics, and Industry for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 3rd International S 9783031304972
【4周达】Information Spillovers and Market Integration in International Finance: Empirical Analyses [9789813223578]
海外直订Evaluation of the International Finance Corporation's Global Trade Finance Progr 2006-12年国际金融公司世
海外直订Japanese Corporate Finance and International Competition: Japanese Capitalism Ve 日本企业融资与国际竞争:日
海外直订Finance Masters: A Brief History of International Financial Centers in the Last 金融大师:上个千年国际金融
海外直订International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics 国际金融与开放经济宏观经济学
海外直订International Finance: For Non-Financial Managers 国际金融:面向非财务经理
海外直订International Finance and the Less Developed Countries 国际金融与欠发达国家
【4周达】Cases on International Business and Finance in Japanese Corporations (Second Edition) [9789814663090]
预订 Documents in International Economic Law: Trade, Investment, and Finance 国际经济法档案: 9780199658053
【预订】Payment Methods and Finance for International Trade 9789811570414
预订 Applied International Finance: Managing Foreign Exchange Risk and International Capital Budgetin... [9781606497340]
预订 International Marketing & Finance 国际市场营销与财务: 9783659645372
预订 Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance 宏观经济分析与国际金融: 9781783507559
预订 International Acquisition Finance: Law and Practice 国际并购融资:法律和实践: 9780199579709
【4周达】Essays in International Money and Finance: Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, Prices and the Su... [9789813148314]
【4周达】Recent Developments In Mathematical Finance - Proceedings Of The International Conference On... [9789810247973]
预订 International Money, Finance, Growth and Policy in an African Setting [9786202049740]
海外直订International Trade and Finance: Frontiers for Research 国际贸易与金融:研究前沿
预订 International Finance 国际金融: 9781009407854
海外直订The Limits of Transparency: Ambiguity and the History of International Finance 《透明度的限制:模糊性和国际
海外直订The Handbook of International Trade and Finance: The Complete Guide for Internat 《国际贸易和金融手册:国际
预订 Concise History of International Finance: From Babylon to Bernanke - A Concise History of Intern... [9781107034174]
预订 The Forgotten Financiers of the Louisiana Purchase: European Bankers, the US, and the Rise of International Finance
预订 International Trade and Finance Partnership Model for Oil Companies [9786200441102]
预订 EU Sustainable Finance and International Trade Law: Legality and Propagation of EU Sustainable Finance Regulation u
【4周达】Lectures in International Finance: Crisis, Coordination, Currency Unions, and Debt [9789812569110]
海外直订Equity Home Bias in International Finance: A Place-Attachment Perspective 国际金融中的股权家乡偏见:一个地方
【4周达】International Finance: The Meanings, Differences and Relationships Between Money, Wealth, Fi... [9781805477204]
预订 International Corporate Finance (RLE International Business)
海外直订Governing the Global Economy: International Finance and the State 管理全球经济:国际金融与国家
【4周达】International Corporate Finance (Rle International Business): Markets, Transactions and Fina... [9781138007918]
预订 International Trade Finance and Forex Operations
预订 European Banks and the Rise of International Finance: The Post-Bretton Woods Era: 9780367876944
【预售】Contemporary Trends in Accounting, Finance and Financial Institutions: Proceedings from the International ...
预订 The International Monetary System: Highlights from Fifty Years of Princeton’s Essays in International Finance: 978
预订 Disruptive Technology in Banking and Finance: An International Perspective on FinTech 银行与金融领域的颠覆性技术:
[预订]Challenges and Solutions in the Digital Economy and Finance: Proceedings of the 5th International Sc 9783031144127
海外直订A Concise History of International Finance: From Babylon to Bernanke 国际金融简史
海外直订Global Finance at Risk: The Case for International Regulation 全球金融面临风险:国际监管的理由
预订 Law and Business of International Project Finance: A Resource for Governments, Sponsors, Lawyers... [9780521708784]
【预售】Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance: Proceedings from the 3rd Wroclaw International Conference i...
【4周达】International Macroeconomics And Finance - Theory And Econometric Methods [Wiley经济学] [9780631222880]
【4周达】International Investment Protection of Global Banking and Finance: Legal Principles and Arbi... [9789403535616]
【4周达】International Finance and Financial Crises : Essays in Honor of Robert P. Flood, Jr. [9780792385790]
【4周达】International Finance and Financial Crises : Essays in Honor of Robert P. Flood, Jr. [9789401057707]
海外直订Private Equity in Emerging Markets: The New Frontiers of International Finance 新兴市场的私募股权:国际金融的新
海外直订Private Equity in Emerging Markets: The New Frontiers of International Finance 新兴市场中的私募股权:国际金融的新
海外直订Globalization and the State: Volume I: International Institutions, Finance, the 全球化与国家:卷一:国际机
海外直订Cases on International Business and Finance in Japanese Corporations (Second Edi 日本企业国际商业和金融案例
【4周达】International Finance Regulation: The Quest For Financial Stability [Wiley金融] [9781118829592]
海外直订Us Power in International Finance: The Victory of Dividends 美国在国际金融中的力量:红利的胜利
海外直订Information Spillovers and Market Integration in International Finance: Empirica 国际金融中的信息溢出与市场
海外直订International Trade Finance: Gateway to Global Market 国际贸易金融:通往全球市场的门户
海外直订Globalization and the State: Volume I: International Institutions, Finance, the 全球化与国家:卷一:国际机构
【4周达】Financing Trade and International Supply Chains: Commerce Across Borders, Finance Across Fro... [9781032837413]
【4周达】Financing Trade and International Supply Chains: Commerce Across Borders, Finance Across Fro... [9781409454601]
海外直订International Finance and Risk Management 《国际金融与风险管理
海外直订Money, History, and International Finance: Essays in Honor of Anna J. Schwartz 《金钱、历史与国际金融:纪念
预订 International Finance for Developing Countries [9783845478197]
海外直订Disruptive Technology in Banking and Finance: An International Perspective on Fi 银行和金融的颠覆性技术:金融科
【4周达】Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry: 4th International Workshop, Fi... [9783642011962]
【4周达】Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry: 6th International Workshop, Fi... [9783642362187]
【4周达】Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry: 7th International Workshop, Fi... [9783319281506]
【4周达】Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry: 3rd International Workshop, Fi... [9783540785491]
海外直订Project Finance for the International Petroleum Industry 国际石油工业项目融资
【4周达】Principles of International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics: Theories, Applications,... [9780128022979]
海外直订Disruptive Technology in Banking and Finance: An International Perspective on Fi 银行和金融中的颠覆性技术:
【4周达】Applied International Finance II, Second Edition: International Cost of Capital and Capital ... [9781631579226]
【4周达】Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry: 8th International Wor... [9783319527635]
【4周达】Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry: 11th International Wo... [9783031316708]