外教社 国际商业文化 International Business Culture 米歇尔 上海外语教育出版社 简明商务英语教材 国际贸易工商管理培训教程书
Pearson Edexcel International AS/A Level 培生爱德思 Alevel 考试 Business Student Book 1 商业学生用书
International A2 Level Business for Oxford 英文原版 牛津国际AQA考试国际A2level商务Andrew Gillespie大音
官网正版 国际商法 英文版 原书第6版 雷 奥古斯特 International Business Law 6th Edition 9787111612407 机械工业出版社旗舰店
Pearson Edexcel International A Level 培生爱德思 Alevel 考试 Business Student Book 2 商业学生用书
Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Business Student Book 培生爱德思 IGCSE(9-1) 商务教材课本英文原版 大音
预订 International Business Development: A Concise Textbook Focusing on International B-to-B Contexts 国际业务发展:专注
预订 International Business Handbook (RLE International Business): 9781138007888
预订 International Industry and Business: Structural Change, Industrial Policy and Industry Strategies: 9781138637801
预订 Transaction Costs & Trade Between Multinational Corporations (RLE International Business)
预订 Teaching International Business: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 国际商务教学:道德与企业社会责任: 97811
预订 Utilizing New Information Technology in Teaching of International Business: A Guide for Instructors 在国际商务教学
预订 British Manufacturing Investment Overseas (RLE International Business)
Business Statistics, 11Th Edition: International Adaptation 商业统计学 第11国际改编版: 9781119889663
预订 International Business and Finance in Japanese Corporations (No. 2): Recent Harvard-Listed Case ... [9789811277252]
预订 Cambridge International AS & A Level Business Exam Preparation and Practice with Digital Access (2 Years): 97810093
英文原版 Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics 国际商科学生学术写作 第3版 进口英语书籍
预订 International Business Strategy in Complex Markets 复杂市场中的国际商业战略: 9781839101816
International business 王佳芥编著 9787550427662
International AS & A Level Business for Oxford International AQA Examinations: Print Textbook (Early... [9780198417545]
预订 International Business Transactions and Taxation: Practical Guidance and Framework for Executives 国际商业交易与税
International AS Level Business for Oxford International AQA Examinations: Print Textbook [9780198445418]
International GCSE Business for Oxford International AQA Examinations: Print Textbook [9780198417248]
剑桥大学出版 Cambridge International AS ALevel Business Workbook 剑桥经管类 商业练习册带线上账号 英文原版
预订 International Business: Perspectives from developed and emerging markets 国际商务:来自发达及新兴市场的观点: 978113
International A2 Level Business for Oxford International AQA Examinations: Print Textbook [9780198445470]
[预订]Sustainable International Business Models in a Digitally Transforming World 9781032050935
预订 International Industry and Business: Structural Change, Industrial Policy and Industry Strategies 国际工商业:结构
预订 Disruptive Technology and Business Continuity: Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Business (ICB 202
海外直订International Business Organization: Subsidiary Management, Entry Strategies and 国际商业组织:子公司管理,
海外直订International Business in Latin America: Innovation, Geography and International 拉丁美洲的国际商业:创新、
预订 The International Business Archives Handbook: Understanding and Managing the Historical Records of Business: 978036
Business Integrity in Practice: Insights from International Case Studies 实践中的商业诚信:国际案例研究的启示【中商原版?
预订 International Business under Adversity: A Role in Corporate Responsibility, Conflict Prevention and Peace 逆境下的
预订 Disruptive Technologies in International Business: Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Markets 国际商务的颠覆
预订 Consultation to Family Business Enterprises: An International Perspective 家族企业咨询: 9783030720216
预订 The International Business Environment and National Identity 国际商业环境与国家认同: 9781138667266
预订 Business Modeling and Software Design 14th International Symposium, BMSD 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, July
【预订】International Business Control, Reporting and Corporate Governance
预订 Sustainable International Business: Smart Strategies for Business and Society 可持续的国际业务:商业与社会的智能战
预订 Business Simulations, Games, and Experiential Learning in International Business Education: 9780789003096
海外直订International Business Realisms: Globalizing Locally Responsive and Internationa 国际商业现实主义:全球化本
海外直订International Business Development: A Concise Textbook Focusing on International 《国际商业发展:聚焦国际b2b
预订 International Business in the New Asia-Pacific: Strategies, Opportunities and Threats 新亚太地区的国际商务:战略、
预订 Smart Business Technologies: 20th International Conference, Icsbt 2023, Rome, Italy, July 11-13, 2023, Revised Sele
海外直订New International Business English, Student's Book: Communication Skills in Engl 新国际商务英语,学生用书:
海外直订Business Modeling and Software Design: 10th International Symposium, Bmsd 2020, 商业建模与软件设计:第十届国际
预订 International Business: Attitudes and Alternatives 国际商务:态度与选择 第2版: 9780367746773
预订 International Cases in the Business of Sport 体育产业的国际案例 第2版(精装): 9781138802445
海外直订Business Development, Merger and Crisis Management of International Firms in Jap 日本跨国公司的业务发展、合并和
海外直订Sustainable International Business Models in a D... 数字化转型世界中的可持续国际商业模式
预订 New Challenges for International Business Research: Back to the Future 国际商务研究的新挑战:回到未来: 9781848448322
预订 Core Values and Decision-Making for Sustainable Business: An International Perspective 可持续商业的核心价值观与决策
预订 International Business Case Studies For the Multicultural Marketplace 国际商业案例研究多元文化市场: 9781138149441
[预订]Csr Strategies in International Business. Concepts and Theories for a Competitive Edge 9783954894819
海外直订Software Business: 10th International Conference, Icsob 2019, Jyv?skyl?, Finland 软件业务:第十届国际会议,
海外直订Business Information Systems: 10th International Conference, BIS 2007, Poznan, P 商业信息系统:第十届国际会
海外直订International Business and Security: Geostrategy in Perspective 《国际商业与安全:地缘战略透视
预订 Global Mindset and International Business: Driving Process Outsourcing Organizations 全球思维与国际商业:推动流程外
预订 Teaching and Program Variations in International Business 国际商务的教学与课程变化: 9781138996779
海外直订International Business. Foreign Direct Investment. Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Polit 国际业务。 外商直接投资,
海外直订E-Business and Telecommunications: 15th International Joint Conference, Icete 20 电子商务与电信:第15届国际
海外直订International Business and Institutions After the Financial Crisis 金融危机后的国际商业和机构
预订 Sustainable Approaches and Business Challenges in Times of Crisis: 3rd International Conference on Modern Trends in
海外直订International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy 国际经济与商业:全球经济中的
海外直订International business strategy: Downsizing and globalization - why are these st 国际商业战略:缩小规模和全
预订 International Cases in the Business of Sport 体育产业的国际案例 第2版(平装): 9781138802452
预订 Business Data Analytics: Second International Conference, ICBDA 2023, Dehradun, India, December 7–8, 2023, Proceed
International business negotiation Roy J. Lewicki, Bruce Barry, David M. Saunders 9787300146638
预订 Smart Solutions for a Sustainable Future: 18th International Conference on Business Excellence, ICBE 2024, Buchares
海外直订Business Process Management: 17th International Conference, Bpm 2019, Vienna, Au 业务流程管理:第17届国际会
海外直订Business Process Management: 4th International Conference, BPM 2006, Vienna, Aus 业务流程管理:第四届国际会
海外直订Enabling Real-Time Business Intelligence: International Workshops, Birte 2013, R 实现实时商业智能:国际研讨
海外直订Business Information Systems: 20th International Conference, Bis 2017, Poznan, P 商业信息系统:第20届国际会议
海外直订International Business: Adjusting to New Challenges and Opportunities 国际商务:适应新的挑战和机遇
Cambridge International as & a Level Business Exam Preparation and Practice with Digital Access (2 Ye... [9781009388573]
海外直订Business Modeling and Software Design: 5th International Symposium, Bmsd 2015, M 商业建模和软件设计:第五届
海外直订Business Modeling and Software Design: Third International Symposium, Bmsd 2013, 商业建模和软件设计:第三届
海外直订Business Modeling and Software Design: Second International Symposium, Bmsd 2012 商业建模和软件设计:第二届
海外直订Business Modeling and Software Design: 7th International Symposium, Bmsd 2017, B 商业建模和软件设计:第七届
海外直订Business Information Systems: 22nd International Conference, Bis 2019, Seville, 商业信息系统:第22届国际会
海外直订Business Information Systems: 12th International Conference, BIS 2009, Poznan, P 商业信息系统:第12届国际会
预订 Rethinking the Case Study in International Business and Management Research 对国际商务与管理研究案例研究的再思考: 9
预订 Integrating New Technologies in International Business: Opportunities and Challenges 整合国际业务中的新技术:机遇与
海外直订Software Business: 8th International Conference, Icsob 2017, Essen, Germany, Jun 软件商业:第八届国际会议,I
海外直订Business Modeling and Software Design: 4th International Symposium, Bmsd 2014, L 商业建模和软件设计:第4届国
海外直订E-Business and Telecommunications: International Joint Conference, Icete 2011, S 电子商务和电信:国际联合会